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Encouraging the Encourager

Sometimes the encourager needs to be encouraged. People in ministry, regardless of its type, give of themselves. There comes a time, however, when they need to be refreshed, for them to continue to give. Yes, Jesus has sent the Holy Spirit to help all those serving God: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” John 14:16.

Many people will give trite advice, which says if we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will not sink just as Peter did when he walked on the water to Jesus. I agree that keeping our eyes on Jesus is the only way we can survive this world and ministry. However, the waves of our society are such that we are living during the height of a storm. Just turn on the news and all you seem to get is bad news. Is it any wonder that the waves rise so high that they often break through our line of vision?

Therefore, I write, I want to be used by God, to help encourage anybody who needs it, to stay focused on Jesus. When your line of vision is broken, just blink, don’t move your head, stay focused because the wave will subside, and Jesus will still be there, ready to reconnect with you.

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Praise for Still More Water into Wine

Helen Brown, as always, brings readers out of the everyday world and into the wondrous grace of God. Each story opens our eyes to the everyday grace we often miss, simply because we are not looking for it. Helen's insight and inspiration encourages us that, no matter what our "everyday" looks like, God can be seen there in the midst of it all.

Thank you, Helen, for another inspiring, encouraging and insightful book!

Ann Smith

Turning Water into Wine. 2nd Edition


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